Creating a Dramatic Focal Point

Click on any image for a larger view.

With all the political debates going on...
Today we have Sophia's imitation of a Politician.
Notice her face is highlighted by a slight vignette effect.
That is what we will learn today.

Create a new blank layer.
Hit "D" to set your color picker to the default colors of black and white. Now let's hit "X". We want white be on the top and black on the bottom.
Pick your gradient tool. Open the gradient picker and choose the first one. It will be white and black.
You will select your Radial Gradient on your top tool bar. (it is the second one)
Draw a small line where you want your accent to fall. You may have to undo a few times to get this just right.
Now, we want to see our image. Change your blend mode to Multiply. Why? Because Multiply hides white so our focal point will show through.
I tend to draw a small gradient and use "Ctrl T" to free transform the size into what I need.
This is why we apply the gradient on it's own layer.

Lower your opacity on the gradient layer until you have an effect that you like. Remember, you want a slight effect. Not total darkness.

This was kimi's Kreative homework #9.
You may find the entire thread here.
Photoshop Creative Elements
Please feel free to add your image to the thread.
Everyone is Welcomed!
Hope everyone has a Happy and Kreative day!
See ya soon.


SusanD said…
This is amazing! WOW! I am behind, but the lessons will be here! Thanks!
SusanD said…
I am back. I just looked at all those photos on the thread; I am so amazed!
kimi kreations said…
Come and play with us Susan. You will learn loads of cool stuff to do with your pictures. :~)

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