The Orton Effect!
We are using our Kreative juices today. Let's make some ART!
The Orton Effect is easy and simple to use. I have broken the directions down using shortcuts.
Duplicate your image twice. Ctrl J
Change the top layers blend mode to screen.
Merge your screen layer down. Ctrl E
Duplicate your new image Ctrl J
On your new top layer Go to Filters, Blur, Gas Blur. Don't be afraid to blur! Blur until the shapes are still visible but the details are all gone.
Now change the blend mode on that layer to multiply.
Ctrl, Shift, Alt, E to combine your layers into one new image. Now, do a levels adjustment. Ctrl L
TIP: if you are using this effect on a portrait. After you finish, use Ctrl, Shift, Alt, E to combine your kreation on it's own layer. Now delete your screen and multiply layers and use either a layer mask or your easer to bring the eyes back in sharp. If you find your effect to to overwhelming... lower the opacity of your combination layer until you like it. :)
If you would like to see what others have done with this effect or share your image with us, please feel free to visit...
kimi's Kreative homework #11.
This can be used alone or I use it lots of times on Portraits and mask back in the areas that I want to stay sharp. I do hope you give it a try. It gives almost a painted look.
I just tried it and it turned out really cool. Thank you for the tips.
And sorry about the EHD.
Aloha, Sarah
Thanks so much for your tutorials. Love the effect of this one.
So sorry about your hard drive!
Throwing my arms for a huge hug while keeping the fingers crossed that all will be recovered.
LOVE this tutorial. I'll send you my homework result later. ;)
I sure hope you get a full recovery!
If you don't own Topaz "Adjust", download it from Topaz for a 30 day trial. It is only about $50.00 and what it can do to color balance and sharpening is awesome.
Regards, Bob