My work...

Click on an image for a bigger view.

I have reached the point where I think (you did notice I said think?) I am ready to start advertising myself as a Photographer. This is the kind of work I want to do. I have a tutu shoot coming up soon and I swear I can see the images in my head and I haven't even taken them yet.
If you have CS3, I used a free action called Lomo on this image.
I also used a couple of free textures from Deviant Art.

p.s. I forgot to mention that this is my niece Sophia. Her Mom is pregnant with twins. I am giddy from the thoughts of the photo opportunities that will present themselves. :)

Hope everyone is well!


JMCS said…
Beautiful job Kimi! I definitely consider you a pro photographer. Just think how much fun you are going to have when those new nieces show up too.

Angela2932 said…
Congratulations Kim! Your work is already far, far better than many I've seen who are professional photographers! And this photo is a testament to that! It's so creative, wonderful color, wonderfully composed and full of life! You're inspiring!
I had always thought of you as a photographer!!! :) Good luck, the adventure is a blast!!!
Kari said…
I'm thrilled to see you take this leap and this journey! You are beyond talented and I know that every client you have will be amazed by your work :) Wishing you ALL the best in your new adventure!
Sunny Archibald said…
You rock! It's a given; you'll excel as a pro.
JMCS said…

You are such a sweetie. Thanks for checking in. The Social Worker visit went great, hopefully we will have a little sister for Sofia soon. I almost left you a comment before you posted today, Iwas jonesing for a photo or tutorial, anything really! Thanks for fedding my ADDICTION. :)

JMCS said…
Okay, sorry for typos. I was typing too fast...
Lisa said…
Love your blog. Thanks for sharing all the actions and textures. Have you already posted how to use a texture? I've never done that before.
Anonymous said…
Funny. I have thought you were a professional photographer all along. Surprises me you think you are just getting there!!!! Your shots are always exceptional, and the presentation of your images are always beautifully creative!

Go for it girl ... you only go round once in life .. live your dream!!!
farabee said…
I thought you already were a "professional." I know you'll do well! Keep us posted as you make the journey.
kimi kreations said…
Hi Lisa, I will remind everyone of the post that the directions were in. Thanks!
Unknown said…
Kimi, you ARE a photographer - better than many professionals I've seen - and your post-processing is definitely professional quality. You shouldn't have any problems getting clients once people see your work and the word gets around. Congratulations on the decision and the best of luck.

Anonymous said…
Kimi, you are a photographer with the most amazing creative work and I love your work. Pam

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