Boy have I missed you guys!!

Well, we survived the hurricane!! The eye came right over my city. We never lost power and the house is fine. We are still sending prayers to the ones that weren't so lucky.
My web site is starting to really look like a web site, so I can relax a little there. I still have some wording to add about session and fees. But it will come together eventually.
So it is time to try and get back to normal. :)

First let me say... you may not see me again because my daughter will kill me when she sees I posted this picture of her on my blog. ARK!! I have been having issues with my images having way too much digital noise. I was reading on a blog about the differences of raw and jpeg images. One of the statements that were made said, raw image have way more digital noise than jpegs. I started thinking and the two coincided. I started shooting in raw and that is when I started dealing with the noise. So the day after the hurricane when we were all rung out and looking at our worse I bribed Holly outside to let me take 2 images. One is raw and the same in jpeg. Looking at both images. They both had noise, with the raw image having way more!! Which brings me to believe I do need to send my camera in for a Nikon check-up. Now I promised her that both images would be deleted right away. And I did! But... the jpeg image found its way into the Elements Organizer. (opps) So last night I started playing with it. =)

Lets look at the wonderful things our software can change in an image. Here is Holly's SOOC shot. (straight out of the camera) Which I plan to fully deny that I ever posted.

Click on the image for a bigger view.

Now if you look closely, you can see the noise really shows on the shadowed right side. You can use a free noise removal software. Here is the link to Imagenomic Noiseware. I have a free stand alone version from them. To be honest, I am not sure if it is still offered. But do check them out. What a difference it can make in your images!! Now I have another tip that I used on Holly's image. Jodi posted a fantastic video on the [b] school. It is about smoothing skin tones. It is a MUST see!! She even shows you how to add a little blush to your blah images. Here is a link to her blog site. MCP Actions blog
The other link I want to share with you regarding Holly's image is, I used Stephanie's eyelash brushes.
(she has wonderful free brushes that she kindly shares!)

Now I am still working on this image of Holly. I have plans to do strange things with it. LOL! But here is where I am so far. Really easy to see the difference in the two images!
Click on the image for a bigger view.
Yes, I see the green tint from her shirt on her face. (I haven't gotten that far yet) So my yucky hurricane image has turned out beautiful with loads of possibilities! I hope you take a few of these things and try to apply them to your images.

I missed everyone and hope you are all well!!
Check back tomorrow. I have a grunge frame to share.



Anonymous said…
Chuckle! Well, I guess you are right...if Gustav didn't kill you, Holly will!
Glad you are back.
kimi kreations said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
kimi kreations said…
Reka... you are too funny!!
I haven't even sent this out yet and you found me!!

As a side note: I have fully disclosed to Holly that her image was used. I am sure I will pay for it one way or another. LOL!
Can you say... new clothes?
JMCS said…

So glad to hear you are okay. I was thinking about you and hoping the hurricane missed you. I LOVE the new website and can't wait to see more photos. I was just wondering if there any way you can link your blog to your website? I hope you decide to keep the blog going because it is so awesome too.

Thanks for the links to the cool stuff and Holly is so beautiful, sorry you are going to have to pay with your life (lol). What a difference with the SOOC shot and the processed one, beautiful.

Great to hear from you Kimi.

Joan said…
Pressed the wrong button and sent an email instead of posting. Glad you survived the hurricane. Your website is stunning. Good luck with your new endeavor. Looks like a sure winner to me.
kimi kreations said…
Thanks Joan!
Jonni, if you look on the splash page of my site. There is a link to my blog. :)

Yes, I plan to keep it going and now that fall is coming I need to jump back into my homework assignments. So there will be loads of fun things to learn!

Stay tuned!!
Sunny Archibald said…
What an amazing change. I, too, have noticed lots more noise with the Canon than I used to see on my P&S jpgs. I just bought Topaz Adjust, and it does a really good job with noise.
Joanie said…
Yeah! Look at this! I said I missed you and HERE you are! Love these ideas for making photos better. (And tell Holly that the rest of us just WISH we could look as "bad" as her on her after-the-hurricane-day! What a beautiful girl!
kimi kreations said…
Joanie... she said, I have to get up and photoshop her before she goes to school everyday! LOL!
Julie L. said…
Kimi--so glad you are doing fine after Gustav rolled through! Wow--what amazing tools to use for this photo of the eyelash brush...I've got to check out all the links you set us up with--thanks!
RHH said…
Relma here in BR. Thrilled that Laf and you did so well. We're still reeling here. But we got lights, AC and internet this a.m.!!! At least at our house. Lots of others not so fortunate and the rivers are rising. Still hoping to meet up with you in real life one day. Congrats on all your new stuff. Thanks for all your tips. Hope to try them out once I get caught up here and at work.
And yes, Holly before and after, is beautiful! RHH
Debbie said…
I'm interested in the eyelashes. I've downloaded them but now what? I use PSE6. Do I need to somehow put the brushes into a brush folder and then use them that way? Thanks so much.

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