Textures & Mask freebies!

Today we learned about applying texture to an image. Well anyone that knows me, knows that is one of my favorite things to do!! LOL!! So to go along with the class, I give you two textures I made and clipping mask #3.

There is a secret when applying texture to a portrait. You need to keep the color of the texture going through out the image but you don't want your face all grunged up. Apply your textures as you like. Then using your lasso tool, make a loose selection around the face area. Make sure you right click and apply a nice feather to your selection. Something high, between 60 and 100. Now go to filter, blur, gas blur. Give it a nice blur. 5 to 8. Now you still have uniform tint through out your image but the face is nice and clean. Cool huh? You can keep your selection active and highlight each texture layer and run the filter on each layer. Super easy!

You can also adjust your texture effect. Open your brightness/contrast and drop down the brightness and give a little bump to the contrast. You can also lower the saturation on your texture if you find it too bright. Clipping these to just your texture layer just like you would a mask. This way you can selectively control your image. ;~)

Here is a picture of my daughter Holly with today's texture and mask applied.

kimi texture and mask

The download link will stay up for only 24 hours. Have you subscribed today?
sorry, time is up

Happy Weekend Everyone!
P.S. Scroll down to the post labeled Ghostbones reborn!! Texture heaven!!!!


Joanie said…
Beautiful, as usual! Thanks so much for these textures! And I love the tut about smoothing out the texture.
JMCS said…

This is SO kick-butt awesome and wow, what a gorgeous image of Holly and you did such a nice job giving it an artistic touch. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. It is greatly appreciated!

Have a great weekend Kimi. I am going to a photography workshop this weekend, can't wait!!!

Elizabeth said…
Thanks, Kimi. I have fallen in love with textures. Thanks for your suggestions on how to use them.

I think your daughter is getting more gorgeous every time you put a new photo of her on your blog. Can't decide if your daughter or your neighbor, Gracie, is more photogenic.
Dawn said…
thank you big time from boston...you know i love ya!!
Beeker said…
I just LOVE your site. I check in often. I signed up for Jessica's class, but have not participated yet because of work. Hope to catch up over the weekend. I will continue to recommend your site to others.
Sunny Archibald said…
She's just so darn pretty! Thanks for sharing the latest goodies. S
Bayla said…
Thanks for the freebie and the mini tutorial. You are the greatest!:)
Claret Belle said…
Whoa! Beautiful! Thanks for the download.
Lori said…
I've just recently found your site from the info on the JS class boards. I am so impressed with your creations! Keep up the good work! Although I'm sad I've missed the past goodies, I'm pumped to now be a subscriber.
Thanks so much for being soooooo generous!
belle said…
Thanks very much for the textures/mask and the tips!
Barbara said…
thank you Kim for the texture,mask and tips. I can't wait to try them out. Your daughter is very beautiful.
tomocus said…
Beautiful. Thank you so much. Love, Love, Love it.
Yvonne said…
Thank you so much for the freebies.
I am taking Jessica's online class it I'm sure I'm gonna love using these babies.:)
♥ Amy said…
I finally got around to subscribing. I've had you linked to my blog for quite awhile now, but I'm taking Jessica's class this week also, so I am especially enjoying your input. Your work is beautiful (along with your daughter). Thank you so much for your generosity!
Kelly said…
Thanks Kimi. I'm loving these new found tools!

BTW, your daughter is simply stunning! :)
smiles aka Shari said…
Thank you, Beautiful as always! Holly has grown into a beautiful young lady. Oh by the way I made my first photomask, I posted it in the crop challenge this week.
Thanks again!
Sam said…
Thanks, Kimi! Your freebies and tutorials are priceless and your samples are inspirational. Thank you for sharing your talent, knowledge and artistic gift.
Anonymous said…
You have a beautiful daughter Kimi!

Love your gifts - thanks muchly for sharing!

Beverly said…
thank you! I found you through the JS class. You have such great stuff!
Mish said…
Thanks Heaps Kimi!!!! Gorgeous!
Peggy said…
Thank you so much for these gorgeous textures and mask, can't wait to go and play with it ... and I don't have the time today argghhhhhhh!!!

I just found your blog the other day and I love it. Thanks for all the tips, you're showing me a whole new world!

xxx Peggy
Mungo said…
Thanks for the mask and textures, now I'm off to look at the tut
Anonymous said…
These are great, Kimi, thank you so much!
Terianne said…
You are awesome! Thanks so much for these textures and masks -- they are beautiful!
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Uncategorized post on Jul. 11, 2009. Thanks again.
Gladie said…
Thank you, they are beautiful! :D
Tina said…
Thanks Kimi for offering these to us. I love the picture of your daughter. I had no idea how to use textures this class 5. Now, I will be trying it out on a ton of pictures. I just love the feel it gives certain pics.

Thanks again,
Limarea said…
Very nice, thank you :)
mizamigo said…
Thanks so much for the textures and masks. I really appreciate them.

I'm taking Jessica Sprague's class also and love learning new techniques.
Christine said…
thanks so much for your awesome freebies! love them!
This is absolutely great post! Thanks for sharing!!
Unknown said…
I found you through the JS class. You give me a lot of inspiration! I have been trying unsuccessfully to remove the texture on faces with the lasso tool like you describe. I am using PSE 5. When I get my selection complete, if I try to apply gaussian blur it says no pixels are selected? I right click and it will only allow me to select inverse or new layer via cut or copy.
Thanks so much!
GreatToBeGrammy said…
I'm going to try this for sure! It is beautiful! Unfortunately, I missed this post due to my son being in the hospital.
Anonymous said…
It is a special case..

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