Bored on a Sunday afternoon...

Click on any image for a bigger view.

.....Holly lost in the Bayou.

I hope everyone is have a nice weekend!


Anke said…
Uhh Kimi, this is so gorgeous!!! Can you make this into a homework? Pretty please? I love this! You do such amazing work, you should put your stuff in a gallery!
ScrappyGuy said…
Wow! Your blending technique gives this shot such incredible texture!
Nice work on the texture, Kimi!! very "kreative".... I've been trying to go around just taking pictures of scenes and seeing if they would make good textures. This is awesome!!
Unknown said…
Way cool texture Kimi! The title matches the pose! I hope this becomes a homework soon! Read: hint, hint!
JMCS said…
Another awesome photo Kimi! Love the texture too. Thanks for sharing it with us. :)

Anonymous said…
very well done, kimi!!! you are ultra talented! wish we lived closer so i could con you into taking a pic of my kids! you ROCK!!!! thanks for showing..... shell
Anonymous said…
This is awesome and please give us a tutorial. Your work is great!!!!!

Claret from Spraground

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