Uhh Kimi, this is so gorgeous!!! Can you make this into a homework? Pretty please? I love this! You do such amazing work, you should put your stuff in a gallery!
Nice work on the texture, Kimi!! very "kreative".... I've been trying to go around just taking pictures of scenes and seeing if they would make good textures. This is awesome!!
Another awesome photo Kimi! Love the texture too. Thanks for sharing it with us. :)
Hugs, Jonni
Anonymous said…
very well done, kimi!!! you are ultra talented! wish we lived closer so i could con you into taking a pic of my kids! you ROCK!!!! thanks for showing..... shell
Anonymous said…
This is awesome and please give us a tutorial. Your work is great!!!!!
If you have a rar. folder that you need to unzip. You can download a free trial of winRAR here. CNet has a very good record of safe downloads. It is a 40 day free trial. I downloaded it a couple of days ago and it worked great. When your 40 days are up, you can uninstall it from your computer and be back to normal. Next... If you come to a texture that is just an image such as the Antique1 texture. Right click and copy it. This will copy the image to your computers clipboard. Open CS or Elements. Hit Ctrl N for a new document. Your computer will remember the copied size and make a new document to fit it. Once your new blank document is opened. Hit Ctrl V, this paste your image into the document. Now save in your texture folder. Another thing; if you watch the video but you are working in Elements and don't have a layer mask button. Do This. Open a new levels adjustment layer. Click ok without making any changes. This now gives you a layer mask to paint on. Click on your mask to m...
These freebies are made and given out to my subsribers only!! The Terms Of Use state: YOU MAT NOT offer any of my designs on any web page for download or send them through an internet list or include them in any des ign /graphic collection on the internet or otherwise. If you are a freebie share site. Please read the above Terms Of Use . If you do not see a black background... follow the directions bellow! Tomorrow I will start giving some of the freebies away. I will start with the photo mask below and I will post directions on how to use it. So make sure you check back early. This is why I need you to follow the directions below for clearing out your browser cache. I need you to be able to read the directions. =) This is my husband's niece and her newly acquired husband. I did not take this image, just adjusted some of the processing at her request. Here is Sharon and Vaughan.... oh shucks, I spelled his name wrong. (sorry Vaughan) With my new blog set-up. Some people are not...
I have been busy working on Christmas card templates and paper packages. I am in the process of opening a small shop that will cater to limited commercial/personal use products. It will be strictly off my blog and the links will be sent to you directly within a 24 hour time frame. All freebies will now be given away at "The Shop" So take a sneak peak and be one of the first to subscribe by e-mail or to your reader. You do have a reader don't you? It is such fun! Mine is with Google. I will admit, it is not much to look at yet but the first thing to go up will be a freebie. Hope to see you as a subscriber soon. All freebie links will remain up for only 24 hours. So subscribers will rule!! =) Here is a peak at the front of one of the cards. I would love some feedback! Does this appeal to you? All cards will be in a 5x7 format with a resolution of 300 dpi. Most will come in a png format for those that want to just pop in a photo and the PSD file. I am going to try and keep i...
Claret from Spraground