
Showing posts from January, 2008

Free Inked Frame

Click on any image for a bigger view. Get your Free Inked Frame here today. Hi everyone!! I created this cute grungy inked frame. It is in a PNG format, so all you have to do is slide your photo under the frame. It will be a "limited" time freebie. So grab it while you can. Today, I had a gift... I found a file of photos that had never been moved. Here are my two girls. Kristen Swiney. 22 years old and Holly Boustany. 17 years old. Here is the frame: kimi Kreations inked frame Do post a link to your work in the comment area if you use it. :) Subscribe today!!

Free Scrap Paper Today!

Click on any image for a larger view. Hi everyone! I am still without images so today I have a free scrap paper to give away. Here you go. kimi Kreation scrap paper Talk to you soon. An update on my external drive crash. It was sent in the mail today to ACS Data Recovery . I will let you know how they do....

The Orton Effect!

Click on any image for a bigger view. We are using our Kreative juices today. Let's make some ART! The Orton Effect is easy and simple to use. I have broken the directions down using shortcuts. Duplicate your image twice. Ctrl J Change the top layers blend mode to screen. Merge your screen layer down. Ctrl E Duplicate your new image Ctrl J On your new top layer Go to Filters, Blur, Gas Blur. Don't be afraid to blur! Blur until the shapes are still visible but the details are all gone. Now change the blend mode on that layer to multiply. Ctrl, Shift, Alt, E to combine your layers into one new image. Now, do a levels adjustment. Ctrl L Done! TIP: if you are using this effect on a portrait. After you finish, use Ctrl, Shift, Alt, E to combine your kreation on it's own layer. Now delete your screen and multiply layers and use either a layer mask or your easer to bring the eyes back in sharp. If you find your effect to to overwhelming... lower the opacity of your combination la...

Here is my Vintage Image

Click on an image for a larger view. This is my neighbor Grace. Cutie isn't she! I did a few things... I followed yesterday's tutorial on my original image. I then duplicated that layer and applied the Orton effect to the original image. Combined my layers into one image using the shortcut Ctrl, Alt, Shift E . I then deleted everything but my original and the Orton layer. Next I used a layer mask to make her eyes and lips clear from the original. I then lowered the opacity of the Orton layer, used the earlier shortcut to combine the layers into a new image yet again. Applied a chocolate filter to the new image and an Antique frame. I am not sure where I downloaded the frame? If someone knows, please leave a comment and I will add the link. Thanks so much for looking. Hope you have a great day! As a side note: If you do not know how to apply the Orton Effect? The directions are coming soon. See you then.

Today we Blog hop.

How to Kreate a Vintage Image? The topic of kreating a Vintage image came up at the Photoshop Creative Elements forum. With a nice push from Denise, this became kimi's Kreative homework #10. Here is the blog. Jessica Bell Tutorials. Here are two of my favorite images from this weeks homework. If you would like to see the other images that have been posted following Jessica Bell's tut, and hopefully post your own for us to enjoy. Please join us here: kim's Kreative homework. This is Amanda's image. This is one of Sunny's images. Click on any image for a bigger view. Talk to you soon. ~kimi~

Creating a Dramatic Focal Point

Click on any image for a larger view. With all the political debates going on... Today we have Sophia's imitation of a Politician. Notice her face is highlighted by a slight vignette effect. That is what we will learn today. Create a new blank layer. Hit "D" to set your color picker to the default colors of black and white. Now let's hit "X". We want white be on the top and black on the bottom. Pick your gradient tool. Open the gradient picker and choose the first one. It will be white and black. You will select your Radial Gradient on your top tool bar. (it is the second one) Draw a small line where you want your accent to fall. You may have to undo a few times to get this just right. Now, we want to see our image. Change your blend mode to Multiply. Why? Because Multiply hides white so our focal point will show through. I tend to draw a small gradient and use "Ctrl T" to free transform the size into what I need. This is why we apply the gradient ...

Stepping outside the box again...

Click on any image for a bigger view. This is my daughter Kristen. (awfully cute, isn't she?) Here is her image straight out of the camera. I liked the color version just fine but that harsh black shadow from the flash drives me bananas. So I had to look at other options. First I cropped the image. Used Nicole Vans black and white action. Then I used my paint brush and brushed black into all of the area that still showed in the background. This is what I now have. A very nice image but Kristen was not impressed. So I had to take it a step further. I samples her face color with the eye dropper tool, made a new layer and started digging in my grunge brushes. I would stamp 4 or 5 on a layer, make a new blank layer and keep going. Using her face color kept everything in the same tones. When I was happy with my grunge, I merged just the grunge layers together. Then using a soft edge brush I erased anything that overlapped onto her face, hair and neck. Last I added just a hint of sepia t...

Just a note

to see if the e-mail notifications worked? please let me know. Thanks~

Nicole Van's Actions

I have a friend named Denise... her images are breathtaking! Here is her site. Mommy and Me Photography She uses Nicole Van's actions on some of her images. So, I went out and bought myself some. Now I am not foolish enough to believe my images will turn out like Denise's but hey, you have to start somewhere. (hehe) Here is the link to Nicole's site. NicoleV photography Designed for Photoshop Elements 5 and Photoshop 7, CS, CS2, and CS3. Here is Sophia using the color pop action. Here is the same image using Nicole's dark and moody black and white action, with a chocolate tone applied. Click on an image for a bigger view. Do you have a favorite?